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Saturday, November 11, 2017

C++ programming language part: 47 Extern storage type

Extern storage type

It is available to all function in a program file, that is, it is a global variable. A variable declared outside a function is called a global variable.

Program 27
            int p=50;        //extern storage type is also called global variable
            void nova();
            void main()
             int q;
             void nova()
             cout <


Part- 86 assign the content of twostring

জ্ঞানকোষ প্রকাশনী
৩৮/২-ক, বাংলাবাজার (২য় তলা), ঢাকা।
       ফোনঃ ৭১১৮৪৪৩, ৮১১২৪৪১, ৮৬২৩২৫১.         
কলকাতায় পরিবেশক/প্রাপ্তিস্থান
রিতা ইন্টারন্যাশনাল
৩৬, পি.এন. ব্যানার্জি রোড, কলকাতা
ফোনঃ ২৫১৩৮৩৫৯, ৯৮৩০৪৩৯৬৭৯, +৯১৯৮৩০৪৩৯৬৭৯

C++ programming language part: 48 Classes and Objects

Classes and Objects

The important elements of a object-oriented language are classes. You can define many objects and functions of the same classes. All the objects share the same copy of the member function but maintains a separate copy of the member data.The stracture of a class as follows: 

Class specifier
The specifier for a class starts with the keyword class and Name , the body of the class delimites by braces and is terminated by a semicolon,
class nova
     // member data
    // member function

Defining Object
An object suppose K is an instant of a class called nova as follows
nova k;                // k is called object

Access Specifiers
The body of the class contains two keyword: private and public
Private data or function can only be accesses from within the class. Public data or functions, on the other hand, are accessible outside the class. It is not possible to access the member data directly from function main() as they are private to the nova class. These data can be accessed only from the member function of that class.

 Program 38_1
            //class & object.demo
            class nova           //class defined
               int age;         // member data
               char name[10];
            void data_in()   // member function
                        cout<<" Type your age "<
                        cout<<"Type your name "<
               void data_out()   // member function
                        cout<<" The age is "<
                        cout<<" The name is "<

            void main()
             nova k;               // k is called object
             k.data_in();       //would be k->data_in() if pointer

Program 38_2
            class nova           //class defined
            { private:
               int a,b,c;         // member data
              void data_in()   // member function
            { cout<<" Type two nunbers "<
               cin>>a>>b;  }
            void add()       // member function
            {  c=a+b;  }
            void data_out()   // member function
            {  cout<<" The sum is "<
            void main()
             nova k;               // k is called object
             k.data_in();       //would be k->data_in() if pointer


জ্ঞানকোষ প্রকাশনী
৩৮/২-ক, বাংলাবাজার (২য় তলা), ঢাকা।
       ফোনঃ ৭১১৮৪৪৩, ৮১১২৪৪১, ৮৬২৩২৫১.         
কলকাতায় পরিবেশক/প্রাপ্তিস্থান
রিতা ইন্টারন্যাশনাল
৩৬, পি.এন. ব্যানার্জি রোড, কলকাতা
ফোনঃ ২৫১৩৮৩৫৯, ৯৮৩০৪৩৯৬৭৯, +৯১৯৮৩০৪৩৯৬৭৯