C++ programming language part- 65 Writing and Reading character using binary functions
Writing and
Reading character using binary functions
In C++ there are some binary I/O
functions such as get(), getline() and read() can be used when the programmer
wishes to read white space characters also. The enter file input and output are
text- or character-based. Usually , white space cheracter are omitted.
put() function
The put()
and get() functions, which are
members of ostream and istream, are used to output and
input a single character at a time. The following program writes one character
at a time to a file.
// for strlen()
char cstr[]="Careless Whisper";
void main()
int p;
ofil.put(cstr[p]); // put is a member of ofstream
// open this text
file and watch information using notepad
জ্ঞানকোষ প্রকাশনী
৩৮/২-ক, বাংলাবাজার (২য় তলা), ঢাকা।
ফোনঃ ৭১১৮৪৪৩, ৮১১২৪৪১, ৮৬২৩২৫১.
কলকাতায় পরিবেশক/প্রাপ্তিস্থান
রিতা ইন্টারন্যাশনাল
৩৬, পি.এন. ব্যানার্জি রোড, কলকাতা
ফোনঃ ২৫১৩৮৩৫৯, ৯৮৩০৪৩৯৬৭৯, +৯১৯৮৩০৪৩৯৬৭৯