know yourselves. information, computer, 7 wonders, various.

Monday, October 17, 2011

windows 8

windows8 hierarchy

Windows, being one of the most used OS, brings great challenges for Microsoft to keep its users impressed in the next version of Windows.

Although Windows 7 has done exceptionally well since its release, Microsoft has been constantly working to make the next version of Windows a better one by further improving upon the existing features, and have added new impressive Windows 8 features along with a stunning UI.
Microsoft released the early version of Windows 8 on a prototype tablet last week. Those of you who would like to taste and experience the all new Windows 8, you can download the Developer Preview, which is currently in pre-beta version. The developer version shows off the current stage of the OS. It is available for free download, and comes in three different packages:

windows 8 start desktop
Windows 8 will ship with Internet Explorer 10 as the default browser. It will use tiled menus similar to the Windows Phone 7 interface. It 8 will run older software that is compatible with all previous versions of Windows.

Windows 8 will offer multi-tasking opportunities and  will scale to the operating device’s proper screen resolution. but applications will be launched from a tile based start menu.The web based applications and programs will use HTML5 and Javascript.

It is also very important to note that “Windows 8” is currently just a codename for the new operating system, which means the name can be changed at any time. Remember that Windows Vista was previously codenamed the “Mojave Experiment“, while Windows 7 on the other hand remained “Windows 7” during the entire development period.
windows8 hierarchy

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

about office 2010 Ribbn Tab

wieb‡K G‡·m Kiv
Office 2010 G wiebB n‡”Q me‡P‡q ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Uzj| Kx‡evW© ev gvDm †h †Kvb wWfvBm w`‡q wieb‡K G‡·m Kiv hvq| Home, Insert, Page Layout BZ¨vw` †h †Kvb wie‡bi Dci gvDm w`‡q wK¬K Ki“b A_ev gvD‡m ¯Œj evUb _vK‡j wie‡bi Uzjevi MÖ“‡ci Dci ¯Œj Ki“b A_ev Kx‡evW© †_‡K Alt Kx, ‡cÖm Ki“b cÖwZwU wie‡bi GKwU kU©KvU Kx Avm‡e †mwU †cÖm Ki“b| 

earn money

Microsoft Word ïi“ Kiv

GKwU bZzb File/Document wb‡q KvR Kiv
hLbB Avcwb Microsoft Word 2010 ïi“ Ki‡eb| Avcbvi mvg‡b GKwU bZzb Blank W‡Kv‡g›U Avm‡e| G Ae¯’vq Avcbvi mvg‡b †h Screen †`L‡Z cv‡”Qb GUv n‡jv Microsoft Word 2010 Gi Screen j¶¨ Ki“b Blank W‡Kv‡g‡›Ui evgcv‡k, Dc‡ii w`‡K GKUv j¤^v `vM R¡j‡Q Avi wbf‡Q| GUvi bvg Inserttion Point (BbmvU©kb c‡q›U) ev Kvm©i (cursor)| GLv‡bB †jLv ïi“ Kiv hvq| D‡j­L¨ Kvm©i †hLv‡bB _vK‡e †jLv ïi“ Ki‡j †mLvb †_‡KB †jLv n‡e|
word 2010 Screen

1.        AvcvZZ †Kv_vI Enter Kivi cÖ‡qvRb bvB| GK jvBb †jLv †kl n‡j Kvm©i A‡Uv‡gwUK c‡ii jvB‡b P‡j hv‡e| wb‡Pi Text ¸‡jv UvBc Ki“b-
Rain, rain go away, Come again another day; Little Jonny wants to play. Rain, rain, go to Spain, Do not show your face again.Little Miss Muffet, Sat on a tuffet, Eating her curds and whey;There came a big spider.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Microsoft Office-2010
Avgv‡`i cÖvZ¨wnK Rxe‡b Kv‡R ev Rxeb avi‡bi †¶‡Î Avcwb †`‡L _vK‡eb GKBmv‡_ A‡bK KvR Ki‡Z nq| Avgv‡`i A‡b‡KB mvaviY Kv‡Ri g‡a¨B GKmv‡_ gvwëUv¯‹B K‡i _v‡Kb| †hgb: Avcbvi bZzb K¬v‡q‡›Ui Rb¨, Avcbvi KvR m¤^‡Ü avibv †`Iqvi Rb¨ PowerPoint Presentation `iKvi nq, Avevi e-mail Gi gva¨‡g W‡Kv‡g›U ¯’vbvš—i Kivi `iKvi nq, cwieZ©bkxj WvUv‡e‡Ri Rb¨ `iKvi nq Excel Database. g‡b Ki“b mKv‡j Pv Lvevi mgq e-mail wU †PK K‡i wb‡jb A_ev wegvb e›`‡i A‡c¶v Kivi mgq Avcbvi j¨vcU‡c †Kvb GKwU wi‡cvU©‡K dvBbvj K‡i wb‡jb| gvB‡µvmdU Awdm-2010-†Z Avcbv‡K ¯^vMZg| me ai‡bi gvwëUvw¯‹s Avcwb Ki‡Z cv‡ib MS Office-2010-w`‡q, G†Z i‡q‡Q bRi Kvov I mnR‡eva¨ B›Uvi‡dm|
wbðq Rv‡bb 2009 mv‡j MS-Office Zvi 25Zg Rb¥w`b cvjb K‡i‡Q| GZw`b a‡i ax‡i ax‡i DbœwZ mvab K‡i Awdm ˆZix n‡q‡Q Avcbvi g‡bi gZ| Avcwb GLb Office-2010 e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib †h †Kvb ¯’v‡b: †Uª‡b, ev‡m, †c­‡b, Pv‡qi †`vKv‡b, Awd‡m, N‡i †h †Kvb ¯’v‡b-me ¯’v‡b| GLb Avcwb GwU e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib cwiewZ©Z Web based fvm©b ev †gvevBj †dv‡bi Rb¨ Avjv`v fvm©b|

gvB‡µvmdU Awd‡mi fvm©b
wewfbœ BDRv‡ii K_v gv_vq †i‡L gvB‡µvmdU ˆZix Ki‡Q Awd‡mi K‡qKwU fvm©b| Avi GwU e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib PC ev Browser (Web Gi Rb) ev Phone Gi gva¨‡g|
*          Office Professional Plus 2010- GwU D”P gv‡bi BDRvi ev eo cÖwZôv‡bi Rb¨ hv‡`i A‡bK WvUv‡eR wb‡q KvR Ki‡Z nq Ges Flexibility, Mobility Ges Co-Authoring Gi `iKvi nq| GB fvm©‡b Word-2010, Excel-2010, PowerPoint-2010, One Note-2010, Outlook-2010, Publisher-2010, Access-2010, SharePoint Workspace-2010, InfoPath-2010, Communicator-2010 Ges Project-2010 Aš—f©~³ _v‡K|
*          Office Professional 2010- GwU e¨emvqx‡`i Rb¨ ˆZix, G‡Z mvaviY A¨vwc­‡Kkb Ges Access database e¨envi K‡i g¨v‡bR‡g›U Kiv nq| GB fvm©‡b Word-2010, Excel-2010, PowerPoint-2010, One Note-2010, Outlook-2010, Publisher-2010, Access-2010 Aš—f©~³ _v‡K|
*          Office Standard 2010- GwU mvaviYZ: hviv W‡Kv‡g›U, IqvK©kxU, gv‡K©wUs g¨v‡Uwiqvj, †cÖ‡R‡›Ukb †bvUeyK Ges B-†gBj wb‡q KvR K‡ib Zv‡`i Rb¨| GB fvm©‡b Word-2010, Excel-2010, PowerPoint-2010, One Note-2010, Outlook-2010, Publisher-2010 Aš—f©~³ _v‡K|
*          Office Home & Business 2010- GwU †ewmK A¨vwc­‡Kkb Øviv ˆZix, GwU †QvU e¨emvqx Ges evmvq e¨enviKvixiv e¨envi K‡ib, GB fvm©‡b Word-2010, Excel-2010, PowerPoint-2010, One Note-2010, Outlook-2010 Aš—f©~³ _v‡K|
*          Office Home & Student 2010- GwU QvÎ/QvÎx I evmvq e¨enviKvixiv W‡Kv‡g›U, IqvK©kxU †cÖ‡R‡›Ukb Ges IqvK©eyK Gi Kv‡R e¨envi K‡ib, GB fvm©‡b Word-2010, Excel-2010, PowerPoint-2010, One Note-2010  Aš—f©~&³ _v‡K|
*          Office Professional Academic 2010- GwU mvaviYZ: wk¶K‡`i Rb¨ ˆZix Kiv n‡q‡Q| GB fvm©‡b Word-2010, Excel-2010, PowerPoint-2010, One Note-2010, Outlook-2010, Access-2010, Publisher-2010 Aš—f©~³ _v‡K|
*          Office Starter 2010- GwU bexb‡`i Rb¨ ïaygvÎ Word-2010 Ges Excel-2010 w`‡q ˆZix|

Friday, July 8, 2011

Free Computer Tutorials

This site display various free tutorial about Computer.    

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WE will add many Free Tutorial & E-books (PDF file).